Three ways to sleep better this summer

May 19, 2021

Getting proper sleep during the summer holidays is essential to fully unwinding. Read our top tips for cooling down and getting your best sleep on hot summer nights.

Proper sleep is so important for your well-being – both physically and mentally, and summer vacation seems like the perfect time to unwind and get lots of deep sleep.

Unfortunately, while summer is a favourite time of year for many of us, hot summer nights can make it difficult to properly unwind and get a good night’s sleep. Warmer temperatures can make it hard for us to both fall and stay asleep, and we often pack our schedules with so many fun activities in the sun that we end up being too stressed to properly unwind. Some studies even find that the summer heat can reduce our sleep quality by up to 40%. So we are swapping out our vacation R&R for stress and unrest!

This doesn’t have to be the case. With the right planning, you can make this year’s summer vacation (or staycation) into your most relaxing yet -- and get all the deep sleep your body so dearly needs.

1. Sleep with breathable, lightweight fabrics and materials

One of the easiest ways to improve your sleep in the summer heat is by investing in quality bedding that breathes. Mulberry silk is a truly luxurious fabric that we usually associate with beautiful gowns and clothing – is actually the ideal filling for your summer duvet.

It wicks away moisture and heat from your body – up to twice as fast as cotton.

It is a breathable, natural material that helps to regulate your body temperature.

It is naturally hypoallergenic, meaning that it keeps away dust and mites, helping you to breathe better through the night.

Though it is breathable and lightweight, it “hugs” your body, forming to your contours and helping your nervous system calm down.

It is a high quality, long-lasting investment that will serve you for 10-15 years

2. Prioritize rest and relaxation

It’s easy to get caught up in all the fun of summer – drinks with your friends, fun brunches and dinners, house projects, and trying to entertain our little ones all day. We pack our schedules so tightly that we forget to prioritize our own relaxation.

Even though you may be eager to fill your days with as much fun as possible, it’s also important to prioritize yourself and think about what you want to do. Dare to hire a babysitter for a day so that you can take care of yourself, or to say “no” to a drinks night to instead just relax on the sofa by yourself. You should leave your summer vacation feeling relaxed and excited to get back to a faster pace – not feeling like you need another vacation to recover from this one!  

3. Create an unwind ritual

Make going to bed into a treat, and not just something that you do because you have to.

Everyone has their own way of unwinding at the end of the day, and if you don’t yet have your own ritual, summer vacation is the perfect time to create one. Take some extra time for your skin care and luxuriate in a face mask, put on your favourite silk kimono, meditate, do some yoga, or cuddle up under a cool summer duvet with your loved ones. The important thing is that you make time for yourself and prioritize your own well-being.

Stop thinking about everything you have to do, and instead give yourself some time to be in the present moment.