Fidder Slapen Exclusief Rotterdam
In 1936, 19-year-old Jaap Fidder began working for the Engel brothers in their shop at Voorstraat 14 in Woerden, the future Fidder store. Engel started as a hat and cap shop in 1884, gradually becoming a 'mixed textile store.' In 1963, Jaap Fidder took over the store from Engel. In another building in Woerden's centre, Fidder expanded the existing furniture business by acquiring the neighbouring property. A baby speciality store was also opened. All the shops were run by Jaap and Gerrie Fidder, helped by their children. Son Kees Fidder joined the store immediately after finishing school. In 1972, he transformed the shop into a bed speciality store, a rare move at the time. The beautiful monumental building is spread across three floors, providing sleep advice to a loyal customer base from Woerden and beyond.